Tag Archives: transformation

Day 357: The whole package

Day 357 - front

  • Weight: 140.8 lbs.
  • Workout C: 29 minutes, 19 seconds; next: Workout C, Aug. 26
  • Total inches: 125.4
  • Protein: 133g (0g over target)
  • Calories: 2,094

I believe in self-help.

I’ve worked on myself for a very long time. Project Bulk is easily the most visible, both in outward appearance and in sharing it online.

But I have spent years getting better at communication, relationships, finances, leadership, listening, diet, emotional health and physical health. I push myself forward all the time.

I can’t say why I do so. Ginny would argue that it’s the Tiger Mom in our heads that forces us to keep going beyond all reason.

It has served me well, keeping me from remaining in my comfort zone for too long. I like to tinker, to make things better, even if that thing is me.

I read books, I work with others, I practice, and I maintain an absurd level of dissatisfaction. I study, meditate, plan, work and repeat.

I’m not quite done. I’ll never be quite done.

I am forever a work in progress.

Day 357 - side

Day 189: I can see clearly now

Day 189 - front

  • Weight: 137.8 lbs.
  • Workout C: 20 minutes, 25 seconds; next: Workout C, March 11
  • Total inches: 124.5
  • Protein: 131 g (1 g over target)
  • Calories: 2,302

Others could see it.

But for me, it took months. Six months.

It’s not like I couldn’t see myself. I saw the photos I took of myself daily. I see myself looking down, or in the mirror. Not a moment I’m awake that I don’t see some part of myself.

Yet, the transformations were so subtle, and my self-perception so ingrained, that I had trouble detecting any changes.

I would spend 15 minutes in photo software comparing Day 1 and the current day’s photo, putting them side by side, zooming in, overlaying them. I saw nothing.

I felt cheated.

But in looking at the Day 1 vs. Day 181 photos, I saw a better physique from the front and the side.  And in cropping and sizing more than 200 photos for the special 6-month video, I again picked up on what I had difficulty noticing for months.

I feel elated.

My body looks stronger, is stronger. The measurements are good across the board. My only challenge now is to reduce my body fat percentage to a healthy level.

I can continue without worry because this is part of my lifestyle. I wonder what I’ll look like in another 6 months …

Day 189 - side

Day 26: Following in the footsteps

Day 26

  • Weight: 126.8 lbs.
  • No workout today
  • Total inches: 118.6
  • Protein: 136 g (16 g over target)
  • Calories: 2,863

I’m fortunate to know other Birmingham bloggers who used their sites to focus on their bodies, their nutrition, their exercise and their weight. They’ve done amazing things offline and online.

It’s probably one of my favorite outcomes of blogging, real change. That transformation can be on the inside, on the outside or simply becoming more connected with others.

Certainly, they’ve made it easier for me to try this project and also document it on a blog.

Public accountability has done wonders for them. I have cheated, starting this project virtually in the dark (posting in real time, but making the posts visible 30 days after the fact).

I am inspired by those who do it simply to get healthier and track their progress.

For example, photographer Julia Kozerski of Milwaukee, who lost 160 pounds in 1 year. She documented it all through photos taken with her iPhone.

Julia Kozerski, Changing Room

Screenshot of Julia Kozerski’s project, “Changing Room”

The Changing Room series received national attention on NPR’s “The Picture Show” site.

I definitely don’t want that kind of attention. I just want to bulk up as quickly and easily as possible.

What I do enjoy is experimentation. And while I know I’ll learn something, whatever the results, I hope you learn a few things as well.

Maybe you’re next.