Tag Archives: photo

Day 189: I can see clearly now

Day 189 - front

  • Weight: 137.8 lbs.
  • Workout C: 20 minutes, 25 seconds; next: Workout C, March 11
  • Total inches: 124.5
  • Protein: 131 g (1 g over target)
  • Calories: 2,302

Others could see it.

But for me, it took months. Six months.

It’s not like I couldn’t see myself. I saw the photos I took of myself daily. I see myself looking down, or in the mirror. Not a moment I’m awake that I don’t see some part of myself.

Yet, the transformations were so subtle, and my self-perception so ingrained, that I had trouble detecting any changes.

I would spend 15 minutes in photo software comparing Day 1 and the current day’s photo, putting them side by side, zooming in, overlaying them. I saw nothing.

I felt cheated.

But in looking at the Day 1 vs. Day 181 photos, I saw a better physique from the front and the side.  And in cropping and sizing more than 200 photos for the special 6-month video, I again picked up on what I had difficulty noticing for months.

I feel elated.

My body looks stronger, is stronger. The measurements are good across the board. My only challenge now is to reduce my body fat percentage to a healthy level.

I can continue without worry because this is part of my lifestyle. I wonder what I’ll look like in another 6 months …

Day 189 - side