Day 357: The whole package

Day 357 - front

  • Weight: 140.8 lbs.
  • Workout C: 29 minutes, 19 seconds; next: Workout C, Aug. 26
  • Total inches: 125.4
  • Protein: 133g (0g over target)
  • Calories: 2,094

I believe in self-help.

I’ve worked on myself for a very long time. Project Bulk is easily the most visible, both in outward appearance and in sharing it online.

But I have spent years getting better at communication, relationships, finances, leadership, listening, diet, emotional health and physical health. I push myself forward all the time.

I can’t say why I do so. Ginny would argue that it’s the Tiger Mom in our heads that forces us to keep going beyond all reason.

It has served me well, keeping me from remaining in my comfort zone for too long. I like to tinker, to make things better, even if that thing is me.

I read books, I work with others, I practice, and I maintain an absurd level of dissatisfaction. I study, meditate, plan, work and repeat.

I’m not quite done. I’ll never be quite done.

I am forever a work in progress.

Day 357 - side