Tag Archives: fat

Day 238: Lean out

Day 238 - front

  • Weight: 139.0 lbs.
  • Workout C: 30 minutes, 3 seconds; next: Workout C, April 29
  • Total inches: 125.0
  • Protein: 131 g (0 g over target)
  • Calories: 1,940

I have slid backwards in body fat.

My fat went from 25.5 percent at the start of the year to 26.7 percent.

Date Aug. 30 Oct. 1 Nov. 1 Jan. 2 April 19
Body fat % 23.5 24.5 26.8 25.5 26.7

body fat percent

The challenge before me is to figure out where I need to tweak: exercise or diet. For my age and gender, 18.1 percent to 19.6 percent is considered good, while 13.6 percent to 16.3 percent is excellent. I am back in the poor to very poor range.

I already made a big adjustment last week in recalculating my protein intake based on my protein shake epiphany. For now, I stay on this new course, hoping that the next BodPod assessment — maybe in July — yields happier numbers.

Day 238 - side

Day 18: The skinny

Day 18

  • Weight: 124.6 lbs.
  • No workout today
  • Total inches: 117.1
  • Protein: 139 g (21 g over target)
  • Calories: 2,625

Mike has known me a long time and has been guardedly supportive of this crazy scheme.

“You could stand to add a few pounds,” he says.

I have to remind him that my body fat percentage is already too high. I’m glad I checked, because before Aug. 30, I had no idea.

This is one of the minor annoyances of being skinny: People tell you how you should actually be; they tease thinking it is harmless. (I can only imagine the real pain that overweight people endure day in and day out.)

For me, this is about only one goal: gaining muscle. I’ve never made a concerted effort before, so I’d like to see if this approach works. It might take more than 30 days. It might take 60 days, or 365 days, or 5 years. Who knows?

He had, at one point, even suggested anabolic steroids. To me, that is no more of a solution to me than liposuction or implants or any other artificial shortcut. I simply won’t do it. I want to be healthier, not just more muscular. Muscles will improve my body fat percentage. Working out will improve my strength and stamina.

It is weird to try to explain that my experiment involves only two actions: eating and working out (three, if you count tracking numbers). It is even weirder in a state such as Alabama, one of the fattest states in America. Just today, a new report said that 62.6 percent of adults here would be obese by 2030, double that of 2011.

That breaks my heart. As a champion of local food, real food and balance in life, I want to see me and others live longer, healthier lives.

So gaining 10 pounds of fat within 30 days would be far from triumph for me. How is that so difficult to grasp?

Day 17: Visioning is believing

day 17

  • Weight: 125.4 lbs.
  • No workout today
  • Total inches: 118.3
  • Protein: 156 g (38 g over target)
  • Calories: 2,345

A fear seems a little less intimidating when said aloud. I’ve already named a primary fear of this project: getting fat. The daily weight pendulum has suddenly begun to swing in the correct direction.

weight Sept. 17, 2012

Hooray for excess calories. The real trick is adding more pounds of muscle than fat.

Why focus on fear when I can focus on what I want? I can illustrate it much better than trying to describe it …

Charles Atlas ad

The beach bully, the original one, not the new one.
Who wouldn’t want to be the villain in a comic book ad?

Rosie the Riveter, We can do it

Rosie says I can do it.
I can do it! (Look at that bicep!)
If I had been running the riveting factories …
we’d all be speaking German now. 

Tough cat eats pain for breakfast

All I want to know is how much protein is in pain.

Mike Tyson

Tyson, the early years. Note the lack of tribal facial tattoo.
Also, how much protein in a human ear? Asking for a friend. 

Homer eats Powersauce Bars, which unleash
the energy of six different types of apples.

I’ll be a brick …






Cue the montage.

Fading out …