Tag Archives: rigidity

Day 266: The days go by so fast

Day 266 - front

  • Weight: 137.0 lbs.
  • Workout C: 30 minutes, 40 seconds; next: Workout C, May 27
  • Total inches: 124.2
  • Protein: 129g (0g over target)
  • Calories: 2,390

Sticking to routine has served me well throughout Project Bulk. But these days, I’ve started to slack a bit.

Slack, in the sense of working out 1 day later than scheduled.

It’s not much in terms of flexibility, but it’s enough to maintain a thrice-weekly exercise program while also working and having a life.

I tend to err on the side of rigid rather than flexible. I’ve seen too many exercise and nutrition programs by others fall apart with too much wiggle room.

Whether it’s workouts or calories or protein, it all averages out each week. My job is to make sure I’m on track, even if a single 24-hour period goes high or low.

I don’t mind making up for those variations the next day. I don’t mind maintaining self-discipline.

As long as I can measure my changes and make good progress, I can afford to exercise flexibility.

Day 266 - side