Day 16: A control freak

day 16

  • Weight: 124.4 lbs.
  • No workout today
  • Total inches: 116.4
  • Protein: 171 g (53 g over target)
  • Calories: 3,202

I’m a control freak. Details are my specialty, and sharing responsibility is my challenge.

A project like this is a breeze. I’m doing all the work. I’m accountable only to myself. It’s ideal for my personality, but also limiting.

No coach pushes me to do one more lift. No dietitian holds my hand as I figure out how much to eat. It’s a path I walk alone.

The interesting thing of working on something completely new like this is the occasional minor freakout.

For example, last night, I wondered if I had done the previous workouts correctly. I wasn’t sure if I was increasing lifting weights fast enough. A brief glance at “The 4-Hour Body” [Amazon | iTunes aff. links] reassured me I had in fact done what I was supposed to do.

Another is the daily struggle to accurately read a tape measure. Oh sure, it sounds simple enough. But wrapping the tape around my arms and legs and middle each morning always makes the voice of doubt just a little bit louder. It is imprecise, and I hate imprecise.

If I could, I would tell my arm muscles to fatten up and my chest to ripple. I’d tell my belly to pull back. And so on.

The freak wants what the freak wants.