Day 12: Drink or shrink

day 12

  • Weight: 123.0 lbs.
  • No workout today
  • Total inches: 116.1
  • Protein: 165 g (47 g over target)

Most days, I start out with a simple protein shake, featuring my old nemesis, milk. (shakes fist)

It has gotten a little easier to digest it each day, and it certainly has made it much easier to hit the protein goals.

But I may still be lagging on calories and volume.

weight Sept. 9, 2012

Weight chart, through Sept. 12

My weight seems to be stuck at 123 pounds, so I’m going to slowly build my caloric intake. In other words, eat more each day.

The kitchen is loaded with protein-rich foods, so now it’s up to me. I think I’ll celebrate with some ice cream and trail mix and granola and pork and …


Protein Shake
“The 4-Hour Body” [Amazon | iTunes aff. links], page 207

  • 3 cups milk (2 percent or whole organic)
  • 30 g whey protein isolate (chocolate recommended)
  • 1 banana
  • 3 heaping tbsp. almond butter (no added sugar, maltodextrin or syrups)
  • 5 ice cubes


Notes: 970 calories, 75 g protein.

I use 2 percent milk, Isopure dutch chocolate whey protein isolate [aff. link] (lucky for me, on sale last month) and boring peanut butter (cheaper).